Believe Like Mary Magdalene Activity Book- Free Download!

Believe Like Mary Magdalene Activity Book- Free Download!

We are so excited to introduce this activity book to help your kids learn about Mary Magdalene and grow in their faith! It is full of inspiration from scripture, questions for thought, and ideas for crafts!

Here are some ideas of how to use our activity book:

  1. Bring out your Mary Magdalene Plush Pal to accompany your child through the activity book!

  2. Read the scripture verses to your child.

  3. Explain the verses to your child in ways they can understand.

  4. Ask them questions about the verses. For example: What do you believe about God? What helps you believe?

  5. Frame the Bible verse pages to keep them as encouragement in your home!

  6. Encourage them to be creative with the activities!

We hope this will be a blessing to you and your family!

For more inspiration to Believe Like Mary Magdalene in your everyday life, check out our Believe Collection!

Download the Free Activity Book

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